Now available for subscribers of YouTube Premium-the paid version of YouTube that allows you to watch without ads-are video downloads. Especially if you're not really emptor-ing. The programs, services, and sites in this story are all free of spam/virus/problems as of this writing, but caveat emptor. If there's even a whiff of it in the air, even a PUP, it's out. Not collect your personal data beyond your email address.Output to MP3 for audio (or offer companion software that does so).

Download entire playlists or channels in a batch (on YouTube), at least with a paid version.Work with top three video sites: YouTube, Facebook, and Vimeo.Support 4K downloads even in the free version.To prevent this from becoming a laundry list of programs and sites that can download YouTube videos, we came up with a few rules for inclusion. The same goes for the helper websites-a change in a site's ad network can also create issues with malware. Some of those changes are not always pleasant, such as software so full of "extras," it gets flagged as malware by antivirus tools. Note: This story is updated frequently as the tools involved change regularly. If you must download a YouTube video-absolutely need to, just for yourself, and not for dissemination, and not to be a total douche-nozzle-here's how. You simply do not need to download a video most of the time. If you want to share a video, YouTube and most other video sites make it easy, from embedding to emailing to sharing via social networks. Obviously, stealing videos from YouTube is a big no-no. There's a reason YouTube runs ads: People make a living this way.

Watching YouTube videos offline through unofficial channels takes money from Google and video creators.